White Fibre is your ultimate destination for premium home textiles that combine luxury, comfort, and sustainability. Our brand embodies a commitment to quality and environmental responsibility, redefining your home with our exquisite range of bedding, towels, and more.

At White Fibre, we understand the importance of a good night’s sleep. That’s why we offer a collection of sumptuous bed linens crafted from the finest organic materials. You’ll experience the soft embrace of 100% organic cotton or eco-friendly bamboo in our sheets and duvet covers, promoting a deep and restful slumber.

Our towels are no less impressive, designed to pamper you with unparalleled softness and absorbency. We use sustainably sourced materials to ensure a guilt-free indulgence in our bath linens, making every post-shower moment a lavish treat.

What sets White Fibre apart is our unwavering commitment to sustainability. We believe in preserving the environment, so our products are manufactured using eco-conscious practices. By choosing White Fibre, you are making a conscious choice to support a greener world.

With a range of classic and contemporary designs, our products seamlessly blend into your home’s aesthetic. Whether you’re aiming for a minimalistic, modern look or a cozy, traditional feel, our linens are versatile enough to meet your needs.

We’re not just a brand; we’re a lifestyle. White Fibre represents the essence of luxury and sustainability combined. Elevate your living experience with our premium home textiles, and rest easy knowing that you’re making an eco-friendly choice. Explore our collection today and discover the art of refined living with White Fibre.


  • Plot no: 6-3-630/1/2/3, Flat # 36 Symphony Dwellings, Anand nagar colony, Khairathabad. Hyderabad - 500004. Telangana,Bharat.
  • +91 9394742416
  • info@vemuriagriproducts.com


white fibres



At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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