Banana Fibre


Vemuri Agri Products

Vemuri Agri Products is spearheaded by seasoned professionals with extensive experience across diverse industries, specializing in the Supply of Machinery for Processing of Agri Waste into sustainable livelyhood  Projects.   In pursuit of this mission, a distinct JV was formed with Vijay Industries  to focus on the production and fabrication of these machines. VAP serves as the manufacturer and exporter of innovative machinery, dedicated to crafting environmentally friendly and biodegradable products utilizing natural and agricultural materials such as coconut coir, banana fiber, jute fiber, pineapple, and more.

Why us

We are proud to be associated with world class processing equipment manufacturers who have designed and developed machines for  transformation of Organic and Natural Agri Waste into an Eco friendly Biodegradable daily use products. Our goal is to reduce
garbage, replace plastics with non-toxic alternatives, and leave the earth better place for our kids, the cows, animals, the fishes etc

In the new buzz word – Circular economy all the tableware products are made from Agri-residue.
What is agri-residue? It’s simply the leftovers that used to be burned. Now, we use it to make a glorious pulp and we mold it into cutlery that is 100% disposable.
We believe that leveraging our insights and experience creates a unique multi industry synergy. For services requested out of our expertise, we integrate technology and expertise from one of our vast network of qualified, Audited Partners who can supply the components or expertise needed to fill any gaps.

Eating plates making machinery for Palm fiber family like Areca / Dates / Banana / Jute, etc




Vittal vemuri cii member

Why choose us

Items Manufactured by PROPAC ENGINEERS

Banana Fibre

Banana stems and their peels have fibers that can be converted into textile products and Handlooms etc.

Products – Coconut /Jute Fibre Pots.

Eco-conscious and sustainable, our Coconut and Jute Fibre Pots offer a natural and biodegradable solution for your gardening needs. 

Cutlery made from Rice Husk

Eco-friendly cutlery crafted from sustainable rice husk, offering a renewable alternative to plastic. Lightweight, durable, and biodegradable, these utensils redefine convenience and care for our planet.

Areca Leaf made

Eco-friendly disposable plates made from fallen areca palm leaves, a
sustainable alternative to plastic.

Woven Geo Textiles

Woven geotextiles are robust, permeable fabrics used in construction and environmental projects. Their strength and filtration properties make them ideal for stabilizing soil and managing water.

Get in touch

Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!

    Our offices are located on the traditional, unceded and occupied territories of the Coast Salish and Sto:lo peoples, including the territories

    Feel Free to Contact

    +91 9394742416



    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)

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